Publisher IEEE conference proceedings
A list of all pages that have property "Publisher" with value "IEEE conference proceedings"
- Publications:2009 International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops, ICUMT 2009 +
- Publications:2011 11th International Conference on ITSTelecommunications +
- Publications:2011 Baltic Congress on Future Internet and Communications (BCFIC Riga 2011) +
- Publications:2012 2nd Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications +
- Publications:A Centralized Channel Assignment Algorithm for Clustered Ad Hoc Networks +
- Publications:Energy-Efficient Synthetic-Aperture Radar Processing on a Manycore Architecture +
- Publications:How severe is the hidden terminal problem in VANETs when using CSMA and STDMA? +
- Publications:Imperialist Competition Algorithm for DSA in Cognitive Radio Networks +