[hide]IFIP Working Group 2.11, Tenth Meeting
September 3-5, 2011, Bordeaux, France
This meeting will be co-located with the [2011 Working Conference on Domain-specific Languages], which will take place in Bordeaux on September 6-8, 2011. The meeting will start Saturday September 3rd at 9:00 and will end on Monday September 5th late afternoon. The DSL conference (talks and tutorials) does not start until Tuesday September 6th, so the two events are end-to-end but there is no overlap.
Venue and Travel
The meeting will be held at LaBRI (Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche Informatique), University of Bordeaux, in the campus (Bat. A30 - 351 cours de la Liberation - 33400 Talence), map: http://www.labri.fr/images/uploads/planDDX1.jpg
For the accommodation, you are recommended the Hotel le Continental which is downtown and close to the tram line B (http://www.hotel-le-continental.com). As there are only 50 rooms, we recommend the attendees to book their room as soon as possible. Alternatively, there is another hotel that is close to the Continental (http://www.hotel-bordeaux-clemenceau.com/). The two dinners (Saturday and Sunday evenings) will be downtown.
To access the LaBRI from downtown Bordeaux, take tram Line B towards Pessac Centre and get off at "Arts et metiers" (this is the stop to use during the week-end: the only campus entrance open during the week-end is "Entrance Roul" near the roundabout). The journey from downtown takes around 20-30 minutes. Saturday the tram runs every 6 minutes, Sunday every 10 minutes.
For more information on the venue and information on how to get there Monday (and any other weekday), please see the [Venue information] under the DSL conference web pages.
Registration is done using the DSL conference [registration page], and will be open from June 23rd until July 15th. The registration fee is 175 EUR, payable by credit card only. The fee covers meals during the meetings (morning coffee breaks, lunches, afternoon snacks and two dinners downtown - one on Saturday and the other on Sunday).
Please remember to either add yourself to the list of attendees or send an email to [| Ulrik Schultz ]. If you are giving a talk, please either add your topic to the list below or email Ulrik.
Baris Aktemur, Sven Apel, Emilie Balland, Julien Bruneau, Jacques Carette, Charles Consel, William Cook, Olivier Danvy, Jens Doerre, Bernd Fischer, Kevin Hammond, Christoph Herrmann, Mark A Hills, Yukiyoshi Kameyama, Samuel Kamin, Christian Kaestner, Paul Kelly, Oleg Kiselyov, Julia Lawall, Christian Lengauer, Peter Mosses, Nate Nystrom, Derek Rayside, Laurent Reveillere, Ina Schaefer, Ulrik Schultz, Chung-chieh Shan, Yannis Smaragdakis, Jeremy Siek, Tijs van der Storm, Jurgen Vinju, Eelco Visser
If you are giving a talk, email Ulrik the title and the abstract. Alternatively, if you have access to the wiki, add it yourself using the following template: Title of the Talk Ulrik Schultz
- Combining and Unifying Product-Line Analyses Sven Apel
- Formalized generation of programming frameworks Julien Bruneau
- Enso William Cook
- On Leftmost Outermost Disjunctive Normalization Olivier Danvy
- Typing MapReduce Jens Doerre
- ParaForming: Forming Parallel Haskell Programs using Novel Refactoring Technique Kevin Hammond
- Multi-Level DSLs with a co-design of code generation and analysis/verification Christoph Herrmann
- Staging, Effects, and Polymorphism Yukiyoshi Kameyama
- Run-time specialization for matrix multiplication Sam Kamin
- A Variability-Aware Module System Christian Kaestner
- Using DSLs to open expand the parallel code synthesis design space Paul Kelly
- Computational Effects across Generated Binders, Part 1: Problems and solutions Oleg Kiselyov
- Finding Resource-Release Omission Faults in Linux Julia Lawall
- PLanCompS: Programming Language Components and Specifications Peter Mosses
- Synthesizing Imperative Code from Relational Specifications Derek Rayside
- Deductive Verification of Software Product Lines Ina Schaefer
- Computational Effects across Generated Binders, Part 2: Enforcing lexical scope Chung-chieh Shan
- Composing DSLs Jeremy Siek
- Template Systems for Languages of the Future, Part III: Variance Yannis Smaragdakis
- Separation and integration of concerns in meta programming; the Rascal perspective Jurgen Vinju
- Declaratively Programming the Mobile Web with Mobl Eelco Visser
Demo: Home Automation Lab Charles Consel
Overall schedule (still tentative, will be finalized Tuesday August 23rd):
Saturday 3/09
- 08h30 – 09h00: Breakfast
- 09h00 – 09h20: Welcome
- 09h20 – 10h40: Kevin Hammond , Sam Kamin
- 10h40 – 11h10: Coffee
- 11h10 – 12h30: Jens Doerre , Ina Schaefer
- 12h30 – 13h30: Buffet Lunch
- 13h30 – 15h30: Jeremy Siek , Jurgen Vinju , Paul Kelly
- 16h00 – 16:20: Coffee Break
- 16h20 – 18h30: Eelco Visser , Olivier Danvy , Julia Lawall
- 19h30: Restaurant downtown: La Belle Epoque (2 Allees Orleans, 33000 Bordeaux)
Sunday 4/09
- 08h30 – 09h00: Breakfast
- 09h00 – 10h30: Peter Mosses , Christoph Herrmann
- 10h30 – 11h00: Coffee Break
- 11h00 – 12h30: Yukiyoshi Kameyama , Christian Kaestner
- 12h30 – 13h30: Buffet Lunch
- 13h30 – 15h00: Discussion: canonical program generation examples for teaching (Ulrik Schultz)
- 15h00 – 16h00: Julien Bruneau , Olivier Danvy: Your Graduate Life in Pictures
- 16h00 – 16h30: Coffee Break
- 16h30 – 18h00: Business Meeting (members only)
- 19h30: Restaurant downtown: Le Bistrot D'Edouard (16 Place Parlement, 33000 Bordeaux)
Monday 5/09
- 08h30 – 09h00: Breakfast
- 09h00 – 10h15: Oleg Kiselyov (short) , Sven Apel
- 10h15 – 10h45: Coffee Break
- 10h45 – 12h15: Derek Rayside , William Cook
- 12h15 – 13h15: Buffet Lunch
- 13h15 – 14h45: Chung-chieh Shan , Yannis Smaragdakis
- 14h45 – 15h15: Coffee Break
- 15h15 – 16h15: Home Automation Lab Demo (Charles Consel)
Tickets are provided for public transportation, valid during the WG meeting and the DSL conference.