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Drones can potentially improve and automatize several activities, such as logistics and precision farming, especially when they fly Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS). However, due to safety concerns, it is required to compute each drone path before the missions start, allocating the required airspace ahead of time. The DOTS DSL can be used to plan and execute such missions, but it lacks the adaptation of missions when unexpected changes occur during the execution of these missions. Such dynamic replanning of missions is a crucial feature for the safe integration of drones into the airspace since it allows drones to adapt to these changes, such as yielding to emergency response aircraft, without losing the mission's original goal.

In this talk, I present how we solve this problem using dynamic forward slicing. Whenever a dynamic replanning is needed, we compute a forward slice of the DOTS program based on the current runtime state of the mission, generating a new program that obeys the original mission specification but only specifies the mission from the point in time where the replanning is needed.