Title: Synchronizing Periodic Clocks in Kahn Networks
Marc Pouzet
Abstract: This is a joint work with Albert Cohen, Christine Eisenbeis, Claire Pagetti (INRIA, Alchemy project) and Marc Duranton (Philips Research Eindhoven)
In periodic streaming computations typically used in the domain of high performance video processing, the design of communicating buffers between processes whose clocks do not strictly match is tedious and error-prone. Two communicating periodic processes are defined as {\em n-synchronous} if they can be implemented in the ordinary (0-)synchronous model with a buffer of size n. Clock calculus is extended to periodic clocks defined as periodic binary words. The semantics of our programming language is extended accordingly so as to accept these non-strictly synchronous processes. The required size of buffers is computed and the control of these buffers is automatically generated by applying a systematic program transformation.