From WG 2.11
What are the important research issues in domain-specific languages?
Julia Lawall
Many of us have developed, used, or desired domain-specific languages (DSLs) in a variety of problem areas. Furthermore, the working group will be co-organizing a DSLWC next year and a [workshop on DSLs] will be co-located with GPCE 2008. The goal of this discussion is to consider what are problems that we as a community should be working on in this area. Some issues that could be considered are:
- If you were teaching a course on DSL's, what would you put in it?
- If you had a new PhD student who was interested in DSLs, what literature would you point him to?
- What topics would you hope to hear about at the DSL conference?
- What kinds of industrial collaborations are possible in this area, and how would such collaborations make a research contribution?
- How much can DSL design and development be automated?
- What tools could we envision to develop DSLs? What are the benefits and shortcomings of existing tools, such as DSLTools, JastAdd, and Stratego
- What are the killer apps for DSLs? Does the question make sense?
- What is the relationship between DSLs and modeling languages?
- Which metrics could be used to evaluate the benefits of a DSL for a given application domain.
- Does the syntax of a DSL really matter? Is XML, as eg used in a configuration file, a DSL?
(some questions contributed by Charles Consel and Laurent Reveillere)