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Centre for Health Technology Halland - HCH
ApplicationArea Health Technology +
ContactInformation Anne-Christine Hertz  +
Description The Centre for Health Technology in HallanThe Centre for Health Technology in Halland is a meeting place for businesses, consumers, the municipalities of Halland County, the County Council of Halland and Halmstad University and provides a joint platform for the pursuit of development in the area of health technology. Through co-operative projects and work in innovative environments leading to new products and services, the project seeks to contribute to increasing the pace of innovation and to sharpening the competitive edge of the companies involved.ompetitive edge of the companies involved.
FundingMSEK 0  +
Lctitle false  +
LogotypeFile Hch4a.png  +
ProjectEnd 30 June 2013  +
ProjectResponsible  +
ProjectStart 1 August 2009  +
ShortDescription Innovation for health.  +
Title Centre for Health Technology Halland - HCH  +
Categories ResearchProject  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 16 May 2014 15:26:36  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. ResearchProj  +
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Anita Sant'Anna + , Anne-Christine Hertz + , Antanas Verikas + , Jens Lundström + , Magnus Clarin + , Nicholas Wickström + , Roland Thörner + , Taha Khan + , Wagner Ourique de Morais + Project
CAISR Intelligent Environment + Projectpartner
Magnus Clarin + Projectresponsible


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