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ApplicationArea Health Technology +
ContactInformation Nicholas Wickström  +
Description The future of health promotion in the formThe future of health promotion in the form of e-health applications and interactive tools developed at breakneck speed, but despite this and a plethora of information about the health benefits of exercise, it has proved difficult to promote sustainable exercise behavior and motivation to exercise. The goal of this project is to develop and test an interactive tool based on the current motivational and behavioral research combined with modern expertise from the Information Technology, Innovation Sciences and based on ease of use and the needs of the e-health industry. In addition to potentially health-promoting effects at the individual and societal level through the promotion of sustainable exercise behaviors the project is expected to generate innovative digital solutions for e- health industry through cross-disciplinary application of behavioral theory, information technology and business model and business model development.
LogotypeFile Godis.png  +
ProjectDetailsPDF na.pdf  +
ProjectEnd 28 February 2015  +
ProjectResponsible Nicholas Wickström  +
ProjectStart 1 March 2014  +
Projectpartner Tappa Service AB + , HPI + , Center of research on Welfare Health and Sport at Halmstad University + , Innovation Sciences at Halmstad University + , Interaction Design at Halmstad University +
ShortDescription Digital innovations and Self-Determined Exercise Motivation  +
Title GoDIS  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS + , GoDIS +
Categories ResearchProject  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 2 April 2014 20:38:35  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. ResearchProj  +
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Nicholas Wickström + Project
Publications:An interdisciplinary project plan on Digital Innovations and Self-determined Exercise Motivation + Projects


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