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Iulian Nicolae Carpatorea
ApplicationArea Intelligent Vehicles +
FamilyName Carpatorea  +
GivenName Iulian  +
Img Iulian_Carpatorea_web.jpg  +
Office E513  +
Person Iulian Carpatorea +
Phone +4635167926  +
Project FuelFEET +
Ptitle Lic  +
Role Data Scientist  +
Subject Computer Science  +
SubjectArea Computer Science + , Learning Systems + , Signal Analysis +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea + , Iulian Carpatorea +
Categories Person  + , Alumni  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 10 October 2019 07:53:25  +
Page has default formThis property is a special property in this wiki. CreatePerson  +
EmailThis property is a special property in this wiki.  +
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Publications:A graphical traffic scenario editing and evaluation software + , Publications:APPES Maps as Tools for Quantifying Performance of Truck Drivers + , Publications:Features extracted from APPES to enable the categorization of heavy-duty vehicle drivers + , Publications:Learning of Aggregate Features for Comparing Drivers Based on Naturalistic Data + , Publications:Methods to quantify and qualify truck driver performance + , Publications:Towards Data Driven Method for Quantifying Performance of Truck Drivers + Author
Iulian Carpatorea + Person
AI Enabled Service Market Logistics + , Constrained dynamic path planning for truck and trailer + , Traffic Estimation From Vehicle Data + Supervisors
Iulian Nicolae Carpatorea + redirect page


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