


Pages using the property "Supervisors"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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"TROLL": a regenerating robot +Martin Cooney  +, Anita Sant'Anna  +


A Decentralized IoT Infrastructure: A comparative study +Yousra Alkabani  +
A Reliable IoT Messaging Protocol Based on MQTT Standard +Mahdi Fazeli  +
A decision support system for reducing false alarms in ICU +Sławomir Nowaczyk  +, Awais Ashfaq  +
A graphical traffic scenario editing and evaluation software +Philippsen, Roland, Lecturer  +
A study about the future and usability of Bio-electronic “smart” implants in humans +Taha Khan  +, Stefan Nordlander  +
AI Enabled Service Market Logistics +Sławomir Nowaczyk  +, Iulian Carpatorea  +, Mahmoud Rahat  +
AI R&D at King +Sepideh Pashami  +
AI for sustainability management and reporting +Eric Järpe  +, Cristofer Englund  +
AI-driven Automotive Service Market Logistics +Sławomir Nowaczyk  +, TBD  +
ActNormal +Tony Larsson  +, Stefan Byttner  +, Cristofer Englund  +
Action Library for Robot Execution +Eren Erdal Aksoy  +
Activity monitoring for AAL +Anita Sant'Anna  +
Acumen Robot Model Series +Roland Philippsen  +, Walid Taha  +
Adapt LoCoMotif to forklift data +Kunru Chen  +, ...  +
Adaptive Obfuscation Techniques for Privacy- Preserving Machine Learning in IoT Edge De- vices +Mahdi Fazeli  +
Adaptive warning field system +Björn Åstrand  +
Advanced AI based anonymization of traffic video data +Fernando Alonso-Fernandez  +, Yury Tarakanov (Viscando)  +, Felix Rosberg (Berge)  +
Agent and object detection and classification in a warehouse setting +Björn Åstrand  +, Naveed Muhammad  +
Air Surveillance for Airport Safety Using Autonomous Vehicles +Cristofer Englund  +, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez  +
Algorithm development for realtime route planning +Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson  +
Algorithms for ion current based sensing of combustion variability and pressure peak position +Bigun, Josef (josef), Professor (Högskolan i Halmstad (2804), Akademin för informationsteknologi (16904), Halmstad Embedded and Intelligent Systems Research (EIS) (3938), ;;CAISR Centrum för tillämpade intelligenta system (IS-lab) (13650))  +
Analysing Engine Performance based on Vehicle Data +Sławomir Nowaczyk  +, Magnus Svensson  +
Analysing comments (NLP) for Malware Analysis +Pablo Picazo-Sanchez  +
Analysis of Ambient Sound in HINT +Wagner de Morais and Tiago Cortinhal  +
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