Modification date 30 September 2016 20:42:04
A list of all pages that have property "Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki." with value "30 September 2016 20:42:04".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Publications:A survey on periocular biometrics research + (30 September 2016 20:41:59)
- Publications:Virtual sensing of combustion quality in SI engines using the ion current + (30 September 2016 20:41:59)
- Publications:Strategies for handling the fuel additive problem in neural network based ion current interpretation + (30 September 2016 20:42:00)
- Publications:A SOM-based data mining strategy for adaptive modelling of an offset lithographic printing process + (30 September 2016 20:42:00)
- Publications:An Architecture for Resource Bounded Agents + (30 September 2016 20:42:01)
- Publications:Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic field tuning + (30 September 2016 20:42:01)
- Publications:A Ground Truth for Iris Segmentation + (30 September 2016 20:42:02)
- Publications:A Symbolic Approach to Human Motion Analysis Using Inertial Sensors : Framework and Gait Analysis Study + (30 September 2016 20:42:02)
- Publications:Modelling and Control of the Web-Fed Offset Newspaper Printing Press + (30 September 2016 20:42:02)
- Publications:Laser-Based Navigation Enhanced with 3D Time-of-Flight Data + (30 September 2016 20:42:03)
- Publications:Evaluating liveness by face images and the structure tensor + (30 September 2016 20:42:03)
- Publications:A vision-guided mobile robot for precision agriculture + (30 September 2016 20:42:04)
- Publications:Stereo Visual Odometry for Mobile Robots on Uneven Terrain + (30 September 2016 20:42:04)
- Publications:A First Course on Cyber Physical Systems + (30 September 2016 20:42:05)
- Publications:Using unlabelled data to train a multilayer perceptron + (30 September 2016 20:42:05)
- Publications:Vision-based low-level navigation using a feed-forward neural network + (30 September 2016 20:42:06)
- Publications:Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches for Soil Embedding Detection of Planetary Exploration Rovers + (30 September 2016 20:42:06)
- Publications:Obstacle Detection For Thin Horizontal Structures + (30 September 2016 20:42:07)
- Publications:Advances in laryngeal imaging + (30 September 2016 20:42:07)
- Publications:Exploring sustained phonation recorded with acoustic and contact microphones to screen for laryngeal disorders + (30 September 2016 20:42:07)
- Publications:A modular CACC system integration and design + (30 September 2016 20:42:08)
- Publications:Electromyographic Patterns during Golf Swing : Activation Sequence Profiling and Prediction of Shot Effectiveness + (30 September 2016 20:42:08)