Supervisors Mahmoud Rahat
A list of all pages that have property "Supervisors" with value "Mahmoud Rahat"
- AI Enabled Service Market Logistics +
- Analysis of multi-machine/multi-sensor data +
- Automatic Generation of Descriptive Features for Predicting Vehicle Faults +
- Automatic Idea Detection for controlling Healthcare-associated infections +
- Automatic Idea Detection from social media for Controlling and Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections (with funding opportunity) +
- Data analysis in collaboration with WirelessCar +
- Deep feature analysis and extraction on Logged Vehicle data for the task of predictive maintenance +
- Embedding DNN models on mobile robots for object detection +
- Explainable AI for predictive maintenance in collaboration with Volvo +
- Investigating depression signs among older adults using Swedish National Registry Data +
- MMultitask Learning on Vehicle Data +
- Multitask learning on vehicle data +
- Predicting Energy Consumption for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (in collaboration with Volvo) +
- Predicting the status of machines with vibration data +
- Smart Alarm +