Supervisors Stefan Byttner
A list of all pages that have property "Supervisors" with value "Stefan Byttner"
- ActNormal +
- BD prediction +
- CACC +
- Conditional GAN for better embedding and generation of medical codes +
- CoopSim +
- Data mining for fault diagnostics in cyberphysical systems +
- Deepfake Detection +
- Development of surveillance methods for sterilizers +
- Emergency vehicle movement prediction +
- Feature-wise normalization for 3D medical images +
- Investigating Robustness of DNNs +
- Modeling patient trajectories using different representation learning techniques +
- Prediction of neurodegenerative disorders based on brain images +
- Prioritize informative structures in 3D brain images +
- Timeseries representation learning for EHR +
- Visual Transformers for 3D medical images Classification: use-case neurodegenerative disorders +