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Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report
Abstract <p>Recently we showed that an expres<p>Recently we showed that an expressive class of mathemat-ical equations can be automatically translated into simula-tion codes. Focusing on the expressivity of equations oncontinuous functions, this work considered only minimal in-teraction with discrete behaviors and only a static numberof statically connected components. However, the interac-tion between continuous and hybrid components in manycyber physical domains is highly coupled, and such systemsare often highly dynamic in both respects. This paper givesan overview of a proposed core language for capturing ex-ecutable hybrid models of highly dynamic cyber physicalsystems.</p>y dynamic cyber physicalsystems.</p>
Author Walid Taha + , Paul Brauner + , Robert Cartwright + , Veronica Gaspes + , Aaron Ames + , Alexandre Chapoutot +
Conference Work-in-Progress (WiP) Session of the 2nd International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, ICCPS'11 WIP, Chicago, IL, USA, April 12 - 14, 2011
DOI  +
EndPage 43  +
PublicationType Conference Paper  +
Publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)  +
Series ACM SIGBED Review ; Volume 8 Issue 2  +
StartPage 39  +
Title A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report  +
Year 2011  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report + , Publications:A Core Language for Executable Models of Cyber Physical Systems : work in progress report +
Categories Publication  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 26 June 2014 03:44:35  +
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