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Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations
Abstract <p>In the field of structural operat<p>In the field of structural operational semantics (SOS), there have beenseveral proposals both for syntactic rule formats guaranteeing the validity ofalgebraic laws, and for algorithms for automatically generatingground-complete axiomatizations. However, there has been no synergybetween these two types of results. This paper takes the first stepsin marrying these two areas of research in the meta-theory of SOS%structural operational semanticsand shows that taking algebraic laws into account in the mechanicalgeneration of axiomatizations results in simpler axiomatizations. Theproposed theory is applied to a paradigmatic example from the literature,showing that, in this case, the generated axiomatization coincideswith a classic hand-crafted one.</p>with a classic hand-crafted one.</p>
Author Luca Aceto + , Eugen-Ioan Goriac + , Anna Ingolfsdottir + , Mohammad Reza Mousavi + , Michel A Reniers +
Conference CALCO 2013, The 5th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, Warsaw, Poland
DOI  +
EndPage 50  +
HostPublication Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science: 5th International Conference, Calco 2013, Warsaw, Poland, September 2013, Proceedings  +
PublicationType Conference Paper  +
Publisher Springer Berlin/Heidelberg  +
Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8089  +
StartPage 36  +
Title Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations  +
Year 2013  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations + , Publications:Exploiting Algebraic Laws to Improve Mechanized Axiomatizations +
Categories Publication  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 26 June 2014 03:43:17  +
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