StartPage 14765
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- Publications:Prototyping SOS meta-theory in Maude + (135)
- Publications:An emotional learning-inspired ensemble classifier (ELiEC) + (137)
- Publications:Fiber-optic interconnection networks for signal processing applications + (1374)
- Publications:Fiber-ribbon pipeline ring network for high-performance distributed computing systems + (138)
- Publications:A Design Methodology for Resource to Performance Tradeoff Adjustment in FPGAs + (14)
- Publications:Performance Aspects of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks : Current Research and Possible Trends + (14)
- Publications:A multiple SIMD mesh architecture for multi-channel radar processing + (1421)
- Publications:Special Issue on the Communication Technologies for Vehicles + (143)
- Publications:Enhancing reliability in IEEE 802.11 based real-time networks through transport layer retransmissions + (146)
- Publications:Lifting non-finite axiomatizability results to extensions of process algebras + (147)
- Publications:Visualizing the Potential of Reconfigurable Shuffle-Patterns in Optoelectronic Routers by the Use of MOEMS + (148)
- Publications:Delay and interference comparison of CSMA and self-organizing TDMA when used in VANETs + (1488)
- Publications:An Energy and Application Scenario Aware Active RFID Protocol + (15)
- Publications:Checking and deriving module paths in Verilog cell library descriptions + (1506)
- Publications:Experimental Analysis of Coordination Strategies to Support Wireless Sensor Networks Composed by Static Ground Sensors and UAV-Carried Sensors + (152)
- Publications:Capacity Estimation of Centralized Reservation-Based Random Multiple-Access System + (154)
- Publications:System-Level Runtime Reconfigurablity - Optical Interconnection Networks for Switching Applications + (155)
- Publications:Fibre-ribbon ring network with inherent support for earliest deadline first message scheduling + (157)
- Publications:Control-channel based fiber-ribbon pipeline ring network + (158)
- Publications:Mechanized Extraction of Topology Anti-patterns in Wireless Networks + (158)