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Jens Lundstrom
Affiliation ISLAB, CAISR +
ApplicationArea Health Technology +
Country Sweden  +
Examiner TV4002 Perspektiv på hälsoinnovation + , TV6001 Utvecklingsprojekt med fokus på hälsoinnovation +
FamilyName Lundström  +
GivenName Jens  +
Img jens.png  +
Office E509  +
Person Jens Lundström +
Phone +46-72-396-00-23  +
Project Centre for Health Technology Halland - HCH + , PPQ + , SA3L - Situation Awareness for Ambient Assisted Living +
Ptitle PhD  +
Revdate 17 October 2016  +
Role Assistant Senior Lecturer  +
Subject Information Technology  +
SubjectArea Learning Systems +
Teacher Design of Embedded and Intelligent Systems (15 credits) + , Sensor System (7.5 credits) +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström + , Jens Lundström +
Categories Person  + , Alumni  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 24 October 2022 09:32:41  +
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Publications:A Database-Centric Architecture for Home-Based Health Monitoring + , Publications:A Holistic Smart Home Demonstrator for Anomaly Detection and Response + , Publications:A Mobile Application for Easy Design and Testing of Algorithms to Monitor Physical Activity in the Workplace + , Publications:A Smart Home System for Information Sharing, Health Assessments, and Medication Self-Management for Older People : Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Study + , Publications:Active In-Database Processing to Support Ambient Assisted Living Systems + , Publications:Advances in computational intelligence-based print quality assessment and control in offset colour printing + , Publications:Ambient Assisted Living for Improvement of Health and Quality of Life—A Special Issue of the Journal of Informatics + , Publications:Assessing print quality by machine in offset colour printing + , Publications:Assessing, exploring, and monitoring quality of offset colour prints + , Publications:Complementing real datasets with simulated data : a regression-based approach + , Publications:Detecting Halftone Dots for Offset Print Quality Assessment Using Soft Computing + , Publications:Detecting and exploring deviating behaviour of people in their own homes + , Publications:Detecting and exploring deviating behaviour of smart home residents + , Publications:Environment Simulation for the Promotion of the Open Data Initiative + , Publications:Halmstad intelligent home - Capabilities and opportunities + , Publications:Improving the Quality of User Generated Data Sets for Activity Recognition + , Publications:Robustness of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition + , Publications:Situation Awareness in Colour Printing and Beyond + , Publications:Smart Home Simulation using Avatar Control and Probabilistic Sampling + , Publications:Smart medication organizer -- one way to promote self-management and safety in drug administration in elderly people + Author
Jens Lundström + Person
Comprehending low-dimensional manifolds of temporal data from the home + , Deepfake Detection + , Explainable AI by Training Introspection + , Exploring, modelling and optimization of home care regions + , FLBench: A Comprehensive Experimental Evaluation of Federated Learning Frameworks + , Federated Learning Aggregation Strategies by Weight Exploration + , Investigating Robustness of DNNs + , Privacy-Preserved Generator for Generating Synthetic EHR data + , Quantifying exercise-induced muscle fatigue by machine learning + , Smart Home Simulation + , Towards robustness of post hoc Explainable AI methods + Supervisors
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