StartPage 416
A list of all pages that have property "StartPage" with value "416".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Publications:Switched Real-Time Ethernet in Industrial Applications - Asymmetric Deadline Partitioning Scheme + (4)
- Publications:Admission control for switched real-time Ethernet : scheduling analysis versus network calculus + (4 s.)
- Publications:Guaranteed real-time communication in packet-switched networks with FCFS queuing + (400)
- Publications:Mint : Java Multi-stage Programming Using Weak Separability + (400)
- Publications:Multi-Agent Support in a Middleware for Mission-Driven Heterogeneous Sensor Networks + (406)
- Publications:Enabling Greener DSL Access Networks by their Stabilization with Artificial Noise and SNR Margin + (407)
- Publications:Evolution in Architectures and Programming Methodologies of Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Computing + (41)
- Publications:Protocols for active RFID - the energy consumption aspect + (41)
- Publications:An Imperialist Competitive Algorithm For Interference-Aware Cluster-heads Selection in Ad hoc Networks + (41)
- Publications:Analyzing different levels of geographic context awareness in agent ferrying over VANETs + (413)
- Publications:Estimation of a successful beacon reception probability in vehicular ad-hoc networks + (416)
- Publications:Real-time communication for industrial embedded systems using switched Ethernet + (417)
- Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + (417)
- Publications:Guaranteed Real-Time Communication in Packet-Switched Networks with FCFS queuing : Analysis and Simulations + (42)
- Publications:Using a Link Metric to Improve Communication Mechanisms and Real-Time Properties in an Adaptive Middleware for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks + (422)
- Publications:Stackelberg Game Based Cooperative User Relay Assisted Load Balancing in Cellular Networks + (424)
- Publications:Towards reliable wireless industrial communication with real-time guarantees + (429)
- Publications:A modular, massively-parallel computer architecture for trainable real-time control-systems + (43)
- Publications:Revised Upstream Power back-off for VDSL + (4303)
- Publications:Performance analysis of a high-speed ultra-wideband WPAN MAC + (44)
- Publications:Reconfigurable optical interconnection system supporting concurrent application-specific parallel computing + (44)