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IFIP WG2.11, meeting schedule

IFIP Working Group 2.11 Third Meeting


January 25-28, 2006, Dagstuhl, Germany



Members: (20)

Albert Cohen, Charles Consel, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Robert Glück, Kevin Hammond, Christoph A. Herrmann, Sam Kamin, Paul Kelly, Julia Lawall, Christian Lengauer, Eugenio Moggi, John O'Donnell, Christine Paulin, Marc Pouzet, Laurent Reveillere, Yannis Smaragdakis, Jörg Striegnitz, Walid Taha, Todd Veldhuizen, Eelco Visser

Observers: (10)

Edwin Brady, Marco Danelutto, Gabor Karsai, Ralf Lämmel, Anne-Francoise Le Meur, Roberto Lopez-Herrejon, Francesco Nidito, Lawrence Rauchwerger, Doaitse Swierstra, Stephanie Weirich


The cost of the meeting will be 80 euros per night for a single room and 50 euros per person per night for a double room. Costs are payable at the end of the meeting.


Talks will be 20 minutes in length, excluding questions.

Wednesday 9:00-10:00

Session chair: Christian Lengauer

A proposal for Domain-Specific Software Engineering
Charles Consel

Wednesday 10:30-12:00

Session chair: Walid Taha

Verifying Model Templates
Krzysztof Czarnecki

Generative aspects in skeletons
Marco Danelutto

Partial evaluation of static analyses for programs with holes
Sam Kamin

Wednesday 14:30-16:00

Session chair: Christoph Herrmann

Typed XML programming without serialization
Ralf Lämmel

Type Systems to Support Language Embeddings
Jörg Striegnitz

Practical type inference for advanced type systems
Stephanie Weirich

Wednesday 16:30-18:00

Session chair: Paul H. J. Kelly

Dynamically Extending Syntax and Semantics
Doaitse Swierstra

Easy Non-Intrusive Java Language Extensions with MAJ
Yannis Smaragdakis

Integrating concerns into software architectures
Anne-Françoise Le Meur

Thursday 9:00-10:00

Session chair: John T O'Donnell

A monadic approach to avoiding code duplication
Walid Taha

Tradeoffs in Metaprogramming
Todd Veldhuizen.

Thursday 10:30-12:00

Discussion Session:

How can we make metaprogramming predictable and enjoyable?
Albert Cohen

Thursday 14:30-16:00

Session chair: Julia Lawall

Domain-Specific Interpreters
Paul Kelly

Program generation by linking
Eugenio Moggi

Mapping Features to Aspects
Roberto Lopez-Herrejon

Thursday 16:30-18:00

Discussion Session:

The future and potential of AOP</a>
Julia Lawall and Christian Lengauer

Thursday 20:00-21:00

Discussion Session:

The future and potential of AOP (cont'd)</a>
Julia Lawall and Christian Lengauer

Friday 9:00-10:00

Session chair: Albert Cohen

The structure of a program inverter
Robert Glück

Extending Synchronous Dataflow with State Machines by Means of Program Transformations
Marc Pouzet

Friday 10:30-12:00

Session chair: Todd Veldhuizen

A Framework for Transformation of Java Programs
Eelco Visser

Proving Size Bounds with Dependent Types
Edwin Brady

N-Synchronous Kahn Networks: A Domain-Specific Program Generation Perspective
Albert Cohen

Friday 14:30-16:00

Session chair: Kevin Hammond

Equational Reasoning with Circuit Transformations in Hydra
John O'Donnell

[Generating size-parameterized functions for circuit simulation using Template Haskell]
Christoph A. Herrmann

STAPL: A High Productivity Parallel Programming Environment
Lawrence Rauchwerger

Friday 16:30-18:00

Discussion Session:

Compelling examples of program generation
Sam Kamin and Eelco Visser

Friday 20:00-21:00

Discussion Session:

Planning of future WG 2.11 activities and events
Walid Taha

Saturday 9:00-10:00

Session chair: Christian Lengauer

Implicit Program Generation
Doaitse Swierstra

Saturday 10:30-12:00

Final discussions

Meeting coordinator

Christian Lengauer: e-mail: [lengauer@fmi.uni-passau.de]

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