StartPage 4303
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- Publications:Protocols for active RFID - the energy consumption aspect + (41)
- Publications:Analyzing different levels of geographic context awareness in agent ferrying over VANETs + (413)
- Publications:Estimation of a successful beacon reception probability in vehicular ad-hoc networks + (416)
- Publications:Real-time communication for industrial embedded systems using switched Ethernet + (417)
- Publications:Incremental redundancy deadline dependent coding for efficient wireless real-time communications + (417)
- Publications:Guaranteed Real-Time Communication in Packet-Switched Networks with FCFS queuing : Analysis and Simulations + (42)
- Publications:Using a Link Metric to Improve Communication Mechanisms and Real-Time Properties in an Adaptive Middleware for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks + (422)
- Publications:Stackelberg Game Based Cooperative User Relay Assisted Load Balancing in Cellular Networks + (424)
- Publications:Towards reliable wireless industrial communication with real-time guarantees + (429)
- Publications:A modular, massively-parallel computer architecture for trainable real-time control-systems + (43)
- Publications:Performance analysis of a high-speed ultra-wideband WPAN MAC + (44)
- Publications:Reconfigurable optical interconnection system supporting concurrent application-specific parallel computing + (44)
- Publications:A rule format for associativity + (447)
- Publications:Optimal Incremental-redundancy strategy for type-II hybrid ARQ + (448)
- Publications:PRIOREL-COMB : A protocol framework supporting relaying and packet combining forwireless industrial networking + (45)
- Publications:On well-foundedness and expressiveness of promoted tyft : being promoted makes a difference + (45)
- Publications:Derivation of implementation constraints - implementation simulation and treatment of multiple design choices + (459)
- Publications:Modular Semantics for Transition System Specifications with Negative Premises + (46)
- Publications:Spectrum Balancing for DSL with Restrictions on Maximum Transmit PSD + (46)
- Publications:Fiber-ribbon ring network with services for parallel processing and distributed real-time systems + (46)