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Pages using the property "Journal"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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3GPP LTE Versus IEEE 802.11p/WAVE : Which Technology is Able to Support Cooperative Vehicular Safety Applications? +IEEE Wireless Communications Letters  +


A Domain-specific Approach for Software Development on Manycore Platforms +SIGARCH Computer Architecture News  +
A Symbol-Based Approach to Gait Analysis From Acceleration Signals : Identification and Detection of Gait Events and a New Measure of Gait Symmetry +IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine  +
A Wearable Accelerometer Based Platform to Encourage Physical Activity for the Elderly +Gerontechnology : international journal on the fundamental aspects of technology to serve the ageing society  +
A new measure of movement symmetry in early Parkinson's disease patients using symbolic processing of inertial sensor data +IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering  +
A processor array module for distributed, massively parallel, embedded computing +Microprocessing and Microprogramming  +
A syntactic commutativity format for SOS +Information Processing Letters  +
Active In-Database Processing to Support Ambient Assisted Living Systems +Sensors  +
Advanced Signal Processing for Digital Subscriber Lines +EURASTP journal an applied signal processing  +
Algebraic properties for free! +Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science  +
An Energy and Application Scenario Aware Active RFID Protocol +EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking  +
An Overtaking Assistance System Based on Joint Beaconing and Real-Time Video Transmission +IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  +


Capacity analysis of reservation-based random access for broadband wireless access networks +IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  +
Chaotic Time Series Prediction Using Brain Emotional Learning Based Recurrent Fuzzy System (BELRFS) +International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems  +
Column Generation for Discrete-Rate Multi-User and Multi-Carrier Power Control +IEEE Transactions on Communications  +
Comparative Simulation Study of Fast Heuristics for Power Control in Copper Broadband Networks +Signal Processing  +
Concurrent multipath transmission combining forward error correction and path interleaving for video streaming +Computer Communications  +
Cooperation among wirelessly connected static and mobile sensor nodes for surveillance applications +Sensors  +
Coordinating aerial robots and unattended ground sensors for intelligent surveillance systems +International Journal of Computers  +


Deadline-Aware Scheduling of Cooperative Relayers in TDMA-Based Wireless Industrial Networks +Wireless networks  +


Embedded Signal Processing Using Free-Space Optical Hypercube Interconnects +Optical Networks Magazine  +
Enabling Greener DSL Access Networks by their Stabilization with Artificial Noise and SNR Margin +Cluster Computing  +
Energy-saving by Low-Power Modes in ADSL2 +Computer Networks  +
Enhanced pheromone-based mechanism to coordinate UAVs and WSN nodes on the ground +INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science  +
Evaluating IEEE 802.15.4 for Cyber-Physical Systems +EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking  +
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