Supervisors Anita Sant'Anna
A list of all pages that have property "Supervisors" with value "Anita Sant'Anna"
- "TROLL": a regenerating robot +
- Activity monitoring for AAL +
- Assistance-seeking strategy for a flying robot during a healthcare emergency response +
- Behaviour Recognition for automated cars +
- Detecting Faults and Estimating Missing Values in Smart Meter Data +
- Detecting Points of Interest for Robotic First Aid +
- FirstResponse +
- Improving MEDication Adherence through Person Centered Care and Adaptive Interventions iMedA +
- Modeling and Exploration of Self Rated Health Data using Machine Learning +
- Robotic First aid response +
- Short-Term Energy Demand Forecasting +
- Smart App for PD +
- Supervised/Unsupervised Electricity Customer Classification +